

Delivery site of electrical pressboard for UAE

2021-09-06 08:50  |  By:  |  88click

On the early morning of October 28, 2020, the freight department of ZTelec Group began to arrange the delivery of electrical pressboard for UAE. This time, the freight department first arranged the truck to transport the electrical pressboard to Qingdao port, and then from Qingdao port to United Arab Emirates. The UAE customer ordered a total of 70 tons of electrical pressboard this time. This order of electrical pressboard is mainly used for oil transformers. There are many insulating materials involved in oil transformers, including: electrical pressboard, diamond dotted paper(DDP), oil duct brace, silicon steel sheet, etc. If you have any need, please feel free to contact us. Below is the practical application of electrical pressboard in our oil transformers:

Electrical pressboard used in our oil transformer

Description of Electrical Pressboard

Electrical pressboard is made of 100% sulphate wood pulp with high purity and processed at high pressure.

Electrical pressboard has high mechanical strength and good compatibility with transformer oil. It is used in oil-immersed transformers, reactors, capacitors and switches, etc

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